The Potion Diaries Read online

Page 22

  Trina rushes to her. ‘Be strong, Princess!’ she says.

  Evelyn nods. ‘I will. For you.’


  I spin around to the familiar sound of Zain’s voice and I almost collapse with relief. Instead, I fling myself into his arms, sparing the briefest second for a hug. Then it’s back to business. ‘I’ve got the antidotes to the sleeping draughts. They should work straight away.’

  ‘Good, we need to wake and cure everyone as quickly as possible if we have any chance of saving the Palace,’ I say. ‘Guys?’

  Anita, Arjun and Trina each throw down their backpacks. Inside are enough vials to cure everyone in the Palace. We each take a handful and I turn to Anita. ‘You wake the Queen. Zain, you take the King. Arjun and I will make a start on the others.’ Starting with Molly. I don’t even need to say the words out loud.

  ‘You got it,’ Zain says.

  None of us waste another moment after that. I clutch my cure in one hand, and the sleeping draught antidotes tightly in the other. I have to trust in Zain’s synths this time. I know he won’t let me down.

  I run to Molly’s bedside, throw back the blanket, and pour the sleeping draught antidote between her lips. To my relief, her eyes flutter open. ‘Hi, Molly,’ I say. ‘Drink this.’

  She drinks it without protesting. ‘What can I do?’ she says, bolting upright in the bed. Her gloved hands crackle as her magic returns.

  The Palace judders so violently the chandelier shakes and glass begins to rain down from the ceiling. Molly screams and I throw the blanket back over her. When there’s a momentary break in the shaking, I say: ‘Let’s move. You need to help the Princess.’

  ‘I got it,’ she replies. ‘You wake up more people.’ We hug quickly and run in opposite directions: she, towards the window and I, towards the next sleeping teenager.

  The King is climbing out of bed too. Arjun is frantically trying to explain what’s happening, and when it dawns on the King, he storms forcefully to one of the balconies next to the Princess. The Queen, when she awakens, rushes out to join him.

  With the three members of the Royal family out on the balcony, their powers returned to maximum capacity, the Palace slowly begins to right itself. It’s only when I step out onto the balcony that I realise just how close things got.

  The foundations of the floating Palace are touching the Z of the ZA headquarters, the Z leaning – but not quite broken yet. I’m staring at the distressed-turning-into-relief face of Zol Aster – Zain’s dad and maybe, one day, my future boss.

  Then, the next step is that we begin to rise. As we wake up more and more of the Palace guards and workers, they lend their Talent to the effort. Slowly the Palace returns to its original position above Castle Great.

  ‘The last step,’ the King says, raising his arms, ‘is restoring the invisibility.’

  ‘I don’t think we should, Father,’ says the Princess. ‘The people of Nova have just experienced one of the darkest periods of our times. They need to see that everything is okay – see that their leaders care – not just disappear into oblivion.’

  ‘But that’s how it’s always been!’ the King protests.

  ‘And it’s not how it needs to be.’ Evelyn’s voice is firm, and the King relents.

  ‘I heard you in the dream world, daughter,’ the King says. ‘You kept your wits when we all allowed ourselves to succumb to the oneiros.’

  ‘I couldn’t have done it without my citizens,’ she replies. ‘Speaking of whom, I must check to make sure they are all okay.’ She turns around and sees me standing in the balcony doorway. ‘Sam! You saved us again.’

  ‘It was a team effort again,’ I say with a blush.

  ‘I know it was more than that.’ She embraces me, kissing me on both cheeks. ‘Come on. I want to help wake everyone up.’

  It takes a couple of hours before everyone in the Palace is awake and accounted for – even the Queen Mother – all their powers tested and seemingly back to normal. Finally, the Princess gestures for me, Molly, Zain, Anita, Arjun and Trina to step into her private quarters.

  As soon as the door closes, Evelyn turns to me. ‘So . . . what happened?’

  It doesn’t take long to relate to her the goings-on from the time I saw her in the dream world until now. When I get to the part about how Stefan threw himself into the depths of the volcano – with Raluca as well – Evelyn gasps.

  ‘So . . . my husband is gone?’

  I nod.

  ‘Are you sure? I thought . . .’ Evelyn looks down at her hands. I frown. What is she wondering about? And then I remember: her power. It hasn’t come back to its full force. It’s full, uncontrollable force.

  Evelyn flings her arms around Trina, and it feels as if she’s been waiting for this moment for a long time. The shackles that she placed around her heart have been lifted, and they share a passionate kiss. I squeeze Molly’s hand and we grin. Finally, it’s a story that might have a happy ending. Then, my heart does something that surprises me: it sends a pang of sadness up to my brain. The fact that Prince Stefan and Princess Raluca both had to die for this to happen. In the end, through everything, all he was doing was trying to save his sister. Can I blame him for that?

  I pull Molly towards me and give her a hug.

  ‘Oh, am I interrupting?’ Stefan asks in a small voice. He’s just appeared in the centre of the room, using a piece of his tattered cloak.

  Molly shrieks and the Princess and Trina step apart straight away. Trina stands in front of the Princess, her hands on her hips, while Arjun, Anita and I all stand ready to intervene at any moment.

  It’s not even an exaggeration to say he appears in a puff of smoke. He’s a mess. His clothes are burned and smouldering, his face covered in soot. I think he’s even burned one of his eyebrows off. It makes his face look comically lopsided.

  ‘You . . . you’re alive,’ I stutter. ‘You made it back.’

  ‘It wasn’t without its struggles.’

  ‘And Raluca?’ I have to ask, even though the sheer fact that everyone is well again is answer enough.

  ‘She’s alive too,’ he says, in a voice that’s barely a whisper. ‘The lava lake behind us was filled with phoenix flame. When we fell, it reset everything – and it gave me back my magic. I was able, just, to carry us to safety before we hit the inferno below us.’ He turns away from me, to face Princess Evelyn. I see Evie’s shoulders stiffen as she steps out from behind Trina. She puts a finger on Trina’s arm as she passes, and Trina blinks. Then, with a wooden expression that must hide a universe of disappointment and regret, Trina steps to one side to let the Princess go to her husband.

  ‘Prince Stefan,’ Evelyn says, stiffly.

  ‘Princess.’ He drops down onto one knee. ‘I want to apologise for what has happened here. I’ve taken Raluca back to Visir. It’s the last place she was properly happy – amongst the green fields and the fresh air. She will have freedom again, I promise you. I won’t let my parents hide her any longer.’

  The Princess draws herself up as tall as she can. ‘I’ve met your parents – and your older brother – in the dream world. They might not be as lenient on your sister as you.’

  ‘I can help with that,’ I speak up.

  Both Stefan and Evelyn turn to look at me. I hold up the FollowMe in my hands. ‘I’ve got everything – and I mean everything – on video. You have to promise me you’ll treat Raluca properly from now on. Otherwise all of it – the fact that your family were behind this Talented drain – will come to light. And I don’t think the Gergon people are going to like that very much. Let alone every other Talented person in the world.’

  Stefan nods. ‘Trust me, that is not something we want to be common knowledge. My parents will understand that too. And besides, I have to return to Gergon to help my people rebuild. To help them heal. And it would seem that since I violated the contract of our marriage by—’ He chokes up, the words catching in his throat.

  ‘By wilfully endangering me, a
llowing an unknown drain to spread throughout my kingdom and possibly threatening the life of every Talented in the world?’ Evelyn says gently.

  ‘By doing that, I’m asking you to draw up the papers for our annulment. I will sign them at the earliest moment. I . . .’ He fiddles with his empty finger, where there once had been a ring. He lifts his eyes to me.

  ‘Oh!’ I exclaim, before rushing forward and handing Stefan the ring. Stefan takes Evelyn’s hand, then gently places the ring inside her palm, closing her fingers over it.

  ‘I’m sorry if this places the burden on you to find someone else to marry, but I think it’s for the best.’

  At that, Evelyn’s eyes lift to mine, and I smile. There might be a need for that magic storing system I devised at the end of the Royal Tour, after all.

  ‘I think Sam’s got it covered,’ Evelyn says.



  I LIE BACK ON MY OWN BED, IN MY OWN room, my laptop warming my knees as I stare at the constellation of glow-in-the-dark stars on my ceiling. I could almost reach up and touch them. Everything about my room feels small since I’ve come back. It’s nice to be home. But there’s a big, wide world out there, and I know I need to see more of it.

  This adventure stuff is addictive.

  When I arrived back from the Palace with Molly, and we escaped from the shower of parental hugs, I had a moment alone with grandad in the store. Our first order of business was to call the Jing monastery and let the Waidan and his team know that it worked. The natural balance was restored.

  They, in turn, reassured us that the volcano’s eruption hadn’t threatened the town of Long-shi, and – in fact – the volcano seemed to have quietened down once again. There could never be words to express my gratitude to the Waidan. Without his help, and the help of his team . . . I never would have known how to make the cure.

  Even my short visit in Long-shi showed me that there was so much more to know that I would never get a chance to experience if I stayed here. At Kemi’s Potion Shop. In Kingstown. In Nova.

  You’ve ridden a phoenix. You’ve walked in the ancient footsteps of your ancestors. You’ve climbed a volcano.

  It’s the first time I’ve truly felt that call for adventure. And I want to answer it.

  ‘The store will always be here for you,’ Grandad had said.

  The words both terrified and excited me. It changed everything I thought about what I wanted for my future: even the ZA job just doesn’t seem enough. There’s too much to explore. When I leave high school . . . who knows where I might go? Who knows what I’ll accomplish?

  My laptop beeps. I frown at the screen, which is currently loaded with about a million different tabs, all offering different versions of what’s happened over the past few weeks. I’m trying to see if one of them has come close to getting the facts right.

  So far, I haven’t found one that’s got the whole story yet. But that’s okay. This time I’m not going to correct the media – and at least they’re no longer blaming the ORA.

  Mostly, I’ve been trying to avoid my emails, and I’m frowning because I’ve got notifications that another five messages have come through. All of them with similar headings: FOR ATTENTION OF SAMANTHA KEMI: ADVANCED CURE NEEDED. People from all over the world with unusual problems, things that can’t be solved by their local alchemist, all coming to me for help.

  One email address in particular catches my eye. FROM: YOLANDA GRANDINE. It’s gotta be a fake. Yolanda is one of the top actresses in New Nova, star of a dozen films, winner of all the top acting awards. She’s mega-famous. World famous.

  Hoax, I decide. I file it under ‘Spam’.

  There’s a knock on my bedroom door. ‘Come in,’ I say, without thinking about it.


  The voice makes my heart stop, and I have to close my eyes and take a breath before I close my laptop and look up. ‘Zain?’

  Seeing him standing in my doorway makes me smile – it’s like a reflex that I can’t control. ‘Can I come in?’ He looks sheepish, his head hanging low. I almost tell him to stand up straight. I want my confident Zain back. This isn’t the person that I recognise. But then, maybe as I’m changing, he’s changing too.

  ‘Sure,’ I say. I gesture to the bed, and we sit down together on the edge of it.

  ‘So, you saved the day again?’

  ‘Something like that,’ I reply. My shoulders stiffen. My first fight with Zain was over my being in the spotlight, and I don’t want to feel that guilt again.

  He notices, and puts his hand over mine. ‘Sorry, that was the wrong thing to say. It was pretty inconsiderate.’

  ‘Yeah, it was.’

  He sighs, then unleashes that irresistible smile on me. ‘I’m proud of you, Sam. I knew you could do it.’

  I bite my bottom lip, trying to consider my words carefully before speaking. ‘I don’t want you to be proud of me. I want you to be there with me. But . . . that’s not going to be possible, is it?’ I catch his blue eyes and I can see the reality that’s written there.

  ‘I need to find out who I am, if I’m ever going to be worthy of you.’

  ‘I don’t need someone worthy!’ I protest, but he stops me.

  ‘I know you don’t. But this is something I need to do for me. I need to figure out who I am. All I know is that I’m not meant to take over ZA Corp. Synths and Potions . . . it’s not my field.’

  ‘So what next?’

  ‘Well, I loved visiting Long-shi and the thought of exploring that ancient monastery. I thought maybe history would be something I was interested in. Archaeology.’

  I smile. ‘You did get really into the research.’

  ‘Yeah! So I applied for a new degree programme. In New Nova. It starts next semester, so I thought I’d take the rest of the semester off. Travel for a bit. I know this isn’t what you wanted to hear.’

  ‘It’s okay. It really is.’ As I say the words I can feel the truth of them in my heart. I love Zain, but I also know he has to figure out who he is. If, one day, when we both know ourselves, we realise that we were better together . . . then I know my heart will always be open to him.

  ‘You’re the most amazing person I’ve ever met, Samantha Kemi. You make me want to be the best version of me that I can. I’m sure this is not the end. We’re just . . . a potion that needs to be left alone for a while before all the ingredients come together.’

  His attempt at a potion metaphor makes me smile. ‘We always were an odd mix, you and I.’

  ‘Oil and water.’

  ‘I hope one day the conditions will be right and we will form the perfect potion.’ I can’t help it. I stand up and throw my arms around him. We kiss, my hands running through the unruly strands of his dark hair, until we run out of air and finally have to break apart. It’s impossible to deny the chemistry that we have. Maybe one day things will work out for us.

  But for now, that one day will have to wait for us both to be ready.



  Three months later


  Popcorn – check.

  All my friends and family – I look around, catching sight of my favourite faces: Mum, Dad, Molly and Grandad on the plush, red-velvet pull-down seats in the front row; Anita, Arjun and their parents behind; Kirsty with her Finding friends. Princess Evelyn waves down at me from the Royal box, Trina sitting at her side – check. Check. Check.

  I guess this isn’t a dream, then. I really am backstage at my own documentary premiere.

  Comforted by the familiar faces in the crowd, I step back into the darkness behind the screen, allowing the curtain to fall back into place. When I turn around, Daphne is standing there, smiling at me. ‘Ready to play?’ she asks.

  I run my hands over the front of my simple, silvery dress – one that Evie helped me choose, that flatters my height and my skin tone. ‘I guess so,’ I say with a nervous smile.

��Everyone will love it,’ she says. ‘Don’t worry – I’m always nervous at these things too. But introducing your documentary is going to be a breeze. Your story speaks for itself. For a director, you’re dream subject matter.’

  ‘You did a great job putting it together,’ I say, honestly. I should know. I’ve seen it almost ten times already, nervous I’m going to spot something that I’m going to hate, or hear my words twisted beyond recognition. But Daphne has been amazing ever since she got back in touch and apologised for leaving me in Zhonguo, for not believing in me. I accepted her apology, because I could understand why she doubted me, what with all the lies Stefan was spreading. It’s part of why I wanted to tell my story.

  And now, she’s created something truly special. A warts-and-all look into my life as a Master Alchemist, from the late nights researching ingredients, mixes gone bad, to the triumphs of creating the exact perfect potion.

  True to my word, though, I didn’t choose the story of Prince Stefan and Princess Raluca to feature as the main subject. Evie gets messages from him every now and then, assuring her that Raluca is recovering from her ordeal and learning to be happy again, that Gergon is rebuilding, that Stefan himself is stepping up and demanding better from his parents and brother. Evie and Trina have gone to Gergon too, to oversee that what he’s saying is true. I trust their judgement.

  Instead, I chose to record the creation of the potion that is enabling Princess Evelyn to store her excess power without being forced into a marriage she doesn’t want – a potion that enables her to fall in love, in her own time, with the right person. When the documentary airs, it will help explain her and Prince Stefan’s annulment to the public, reassure Talented and ordinary citizens alike that the balance – and safety – in Nova is the top priority. It’s a good story, too.